This meeting has been cancelled - next meeting September.

This meeting has been cancelled - next meeting September.
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All meetings normally commence at 7.30pm and are at held Chorley Village Hall. Any changes to time and venue will be noted on agendas, which are posted on village notice boards and on this website.
Meeting dates subject to change, on decision by Parish Council. Any other meetings which are necessary will be called and advertised on the village notice boards and website. Please contact the Clerk to confirm time and venue of meetings. Draft minutes will be added to the website when available and will be updated once approved at full council meeting.
Members of the Public and Press are welcome to attend any meetings of the Parish Council or its Committees, although there are occasions when meetings must go into private session when dealing with matters of a confidential nature. We do have 'parishioner's time' at the beginning of each meeting when members of the public can speak.
Speaking at a Meeting - You do not have the right to speak at a meeting unless invited to do so by the Council. If you wish to speak then you must contact the Clerk beforehand or make yourself known to the Clerk at the start of the meeting.
© 2018 Stottesdon Council. All Rights Reserved.
Website by The Web Orchard